
v4.1 (13/11/2011)
Better sounds
Better look
Heyzap integration
Facebook score publication
Timeless mode save your game in its current state
Background choice
New options: Heyzap and Visual help
'Back' more secure while playing

Compilation on Android 2.3 !
You can now relocate your application on your SD Card !

UI tweaks

Change of dictionary, hopefuly a better one !

v 3.4
Correction minor bugs (game and translation)

v 3.3
2 players game mode
Timeless game mode
Access to word's definition by cliking on it on the result list
Submit your highest score at anytime

v 3.21
Correction minor bugs (game and translation)

v 3.2
Correction minor bugs (display and game)
Full translation in French
Better challenge section 

v 3.1
Challenges between users (lite and full version)
Correction chronometer (reset online highsores)

V 3.0
Online scores (only full versions) by Scoreloop
Landscape AND portait orientation
Settings acces by 'Menu' button
Tap selection changed : select all letters you want, then tap on one of them to valid the word

v 2.21 (only lite version)
Choose language before lauching the game

v 2.2 (reset highscores and settings)
Better dictionnaries
Possibility to select the letters one by one (in addition of swiping)
Green, Red and Blue flashes (good word, wrong word and word already done)
Pause when the game is left
Corrections of bug for some device.

v 2.1
Re-Order List all words (by size)
Correction layout score for high resolution devices

v 2.01

Correction of minor grid bug

v 2.0
Add full list of words for each grid
Show score detail
Show points for each words
Add button 'play' in Highscores
Correction of minors bug (Highscore list)

v 1.2
Correction of bugs with languages

v 1.1
Correction of bugs with saved settings